Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More random things&Photos

No. 1: I've turned 16, you can see my birthday cake in the photo link below.
No. 2: I've gotten two new pairs of shoes because before I only had one pair of shoes. So I went to this store and they had 2nd pair 50% off discount which made me buy two pairs. And guess how much they cost? After discount and tax....................130$, it was so worth it. I have pictures of them in the link.
No. 3: Although it isn't even October here the leaves are already changing in color, some of the leaves are already red. And the temperature is CRAZILY low compared to Taiwan, we'll have as low as 5 degrees Celsius the day after tomorrow, it's SO COLD!!!!
No. 4-Ms. Gotsis: Ms. Gotsis is GREAT, she's one of the best teachers I've ever had. She said something that was awesome last class. She said that when she made spelling or grammatical errors it is a........."Sign of Genius"........ It's great, next time when I make mathematical mistakes or write a paragraph that doesn't make sense I'll just say “But Mr. Goodes/Ms. Ancans, it's a sign of genius, my hand cannot keep up with the speed of my brain, it's a sign of genius you know." I think I would totally get whacked for saying that.

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