Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Test

I've just finished my first Senior High"Monthly Exam" in Taiwan, it's as hard as it gets....
I guess I totally screwed up on my Math, I'm not sure if I can even pass it(which takes 60)
I think I'm gonna get something in in the 70s or 80s for my Chinese, but I'm not really sure.
I'm not sure about my English, I hope I can get a 90+, but may not be able to get that which won't be good news for me.
I got a 81.9 on Earth Science, which was higher than I expected, and it is above the class average(73) so I guess I deserve a pat on the back for that one.
As for the last subject, Geography, I'm hoping for a 80 to 90 + percent on that, since it isn't very hard and I finished it in less than half of the time provided.
So I hope I'm gonna get a 70~80+ average this time, and I have faith that I'm going to get it.

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