Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random Stuff

I haven't written for quite some time, just had a lot of things happening but not really knowing what to write, it's kinda confusing actually, so I'll just talk randomly about my life.

To call the temperature here "cool" is a total understatement, it's literally "freezing" here, and the temperature routinely goes below zero now. While the temperature is still 14~18°C in Taipei, it's already -2~-7°C here, it's already snowed quite a few times.
We've just gotten our first term report card; I did OK on some, great on others, and even did quite bad on one subject. Since I did quite awful on one subject, I got an average of 87.5, it's OK I guess, but considering that I wasn't really studying, I guess I could and should have done better.
What I'm more worried about is the school work back at Taiwan. I haven't been studying hard on the material, and learned why Jianguo High School is considered the most prestigious high school in Taiwan. I tried their first exam, and might have failed about half of them, it's totally scary. It might partially be because I'm only reading on my own, but it still means I "should" work a lot harder.
And I'm reading like crazy. The public library here is so much better than the ones back a Taiwan, there are tons of novels available, and I can even download audio books from their website .YES!!!! But, NO!!! I don't have time for school work. Oh, whatever.......XD.
I'm also thinking about writing a story, which I sometimes do but never finish, I think the setting would be at least 1000+ years into the future, some of the random elements would be: space, magic, technology, feud, assassination, interstellar empire, emperor, coup, loyalty and others(what a mess:) ) I'll try to start it if I can get the time to do it; it's quite an interesting thought. I might be able to put some of the drafts here or on Facebook soon, but don't hold your breath :).

I've just jot down some things about my life here. Even more random stuff.... I'll write more in about a week.

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