Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We arrived at LA last Wednesday and have been staying at one of my uncle's house(I have two uncles who are in LA). It's really hot here, in the 20s, especially since we just came from Toronto, which is freezing at below zero.
I've basically been having no life for the last week or so, playing computer games, reading novels, and going out occasionally, not much of a life. I did go to fellowship with one of my cousins(I have four here in LA), Timothy, it was nice, we went to Applebee's for dinner afterwards with some of the people at the church and got home at a little after midnight.
I've ordered books, music& computer games from eBay and have them sent here, so I've been getting all those and been happy about it:), since it isn't often that my parents let me buy books and the last time they let me buy computer games was a few years ago. Some still haven't arrived yet and I hope I can get them before I leave LA.
I haven't visited any of the "major attraction" here but I'll be starting tomorrow with Disneyland, there'll be five of us, me, my little sister, Michael, Timothy, and Jonathan(Three of my cousins), so it'll be four guys looking after a hyperactive little girl. I also believe we'll be going to Universal Studios on Friday.

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