Saturday, January 17, 2009

Universal Studios(1/16)

Yesterday, I went to Universal Studios with three of my cousins, Jonathan, Timothy, and Michael. Same as Disneyland, I haven't been there since I was maybe 2 or 3, so it might as well be my first time there, too. We got there around noon, went on a couple of the attractions, and then went on the studio tour, which was my favorite part. The studio tour featured a lot of cool special effects(water, fire, earthquakes, explosions.....), it basically used a lot of stuff that is used in filming movies, and although I felt that I had sat on the "wet" side of the show(JAWS, the flood in the subway station) and constantly got sprayed by water, it was still a great experience. BTW, Waterworld is great too, if you go there, you have to see it, just remember not to get to the show late or sit in the front unless you want to get wet.
I enjoyed it over all, and I think that I actually like Universal Studios better than Disneyland.
(I'll write about today's trip to The Huntington Library tomorrow.)

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