Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It SNOWED today!! Well, not a lot but there was SNOW! It's only October and it's already started to snow, in Taipei, the temperature still hits 30, it's so unbelievable.

Bad news, I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. Those who know me well should know that I routinely have to put ventilation tubes in my ears since they fall out, now it's fallen out again, and the situation in my left ear is deteriorating. So I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, and I might have to have a surgery done, for the dozen+ time. And although I've had surgery on my ears a lot of times it still is a pain, and believe me, it is definitely not a pleasant experience. I could either have sufficient local anaesthetic applied, not feel a lot of pain, but feel dizzy and off balance for the remainder of the day; or I could apply some local anaesthetic, not be dizzy, but feel some CRAZY pain for a minute or so, I haven't really figured out which is more worth it. So, I'll be praying for myself and the, possibly, upcoming surgery.

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