Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Arrival at NY& Dec. 29(Statue of Liberty& Empire State Building)

Well, we arrived at LaGuardia Airport on the evening of Dec. 28, the day before yesterday, and were picked up by a family friend who's also a pastor from our church in Taiwan, he currently works at the American Bible Society here in NY, they live at Long Island, which is also where we'll be staying for the week.

Yesterday, our little "group", which consists of my family and him, his wife and his two daughters who are in 8th and 5th grade, got up at around 7 and went to take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. It took us around two hours, which we spent standing in line, to get on to the ferry, it was totally crazy. But I guess it was kinda worth it, the statue is really worth seeing, it's quite something. Then we went to Ellis Island, which is the "gate to America" since it once was a place where immigrants had to pass through to enter the states.

After that we went to the Empire State Building, where, guess what? We encountered a long line again!! After waiting in-line for an hour and walking up six floors, we finally got to the 86th floor. The view was great, we could virtually see the lights, it was dark already, of the whole city of NY.

Then, after eating diner, we walked to Times Square. It is really a sight. I mean, really, how many places are there in the world where it's as bright at night as in the morning? It's really one of a kind. But as great as it is, I won't go there for New Year's Eve, it'll be to crowded and I prefer comfortably watching it on TV thank you very much.

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