Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dec. 31(Grand Central Station,UN&MoMA)

The first stop we went to today was Grand Central Terminal, seeing it really made me know why I heard people criticize the demolition of Penn Station. It's really quite magnificent, the extent to which they build their train stations is quite something.

UN, we didn't really see a lot of it since we didn't take the tour.

MoMA(Museum of Modern Arts) was quite something, too. We saw a lot of famous paintings, like Matisse's The Dance, Picasso's Three Musicians& Les Demoiselles d'Avignon , Monet's Water Lilies triptych , Rousseau's The Sleeping Gypsy, some of Dali's, Miro's and van Gogh's. We didn't see van Gogh's The Starry Night, which was one of the paintings I wanted to see, it was in a special exhibition. But it was still nice, seeing all these artwork that you usually see in textbooks.

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